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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: im all bark? well hmmm all i see from u is .... "bark" but more that of the little mut with a high pitch
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: me, bark? my ass mother fucker if i still lived there i'd have kicked your ass a long time ago
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: oh really
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: yep....long time ago
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: 150 cassie trail right next to the communtiy baptist church off china spring highway
2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: id pay to see u and cody fight and then pay extra to see ur body carried away
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ...okay, like i said...if i still lived there
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: your enrolled in waco high? that makes u what 11 miles away so come on u puss
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: im the bulldog under the tree well theres a tree in my yard ill be under it but ill bring the "bite" too
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: nope. i'm not i went there my 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years..now i live in the dallas area..so i'm roughyl 150miles away..and unless your ass is going to pay for my gas...i aint going no where
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Lol, Jared u dumbass, I know False Reality, he's pretty cool, I talked to him not to long ago about music and stuff. Dont know why your throwing him into this.
2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: *starts advertising tickets*
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Chicken Shit is what it sounds like to me.
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Hmm......I bet if I mentioned ur name at Waco High people would laugh.
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: b/c he can kick either one of your asses in nothing flat
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: hmmm well rich isnt there a art trip to dallas?
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: Chris is a big pussy
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: lol good luck finding me asshole
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, in November we go to the East Side. I get to drive.
2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i hope so
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: your to much of a puss to show anywhere? all bark
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: lol nah, school and not enough cash to waste on a dumb fuck like you
2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: bbl i got to go take a undertow
2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: more like a yelp or squeal
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Why dont u come find us dickhead, i can give u directions.
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: don't force too hard the dick in your ass might fall out
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: In fact, since your my father and all and I know ur the "parental" type, Ill call and check in every hour on our way there.
2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: u would know woudlnt u uve had to put it back in many a occasion havent u
2005-09-01 [Undertow]: lol, you guys honestly think i give a shit abotu your punk asses? i could give a flying fuck less about you or anything else on here i come on here soley for the purpose of pissing dumbasses like you off
2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I need to go take my Annual 10 year bathe real quick. Brb.
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: w/e i've got car parts to go get i'll return later
2005-09-02 [Cody '07]: lol this doesnt piss us off its a game and it seems to be one u never win
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: bibi
2005-09-02 [d o n e]: Yo! lol hi^^
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Hello...
2005-09-02 [d o n e]: What's up? lol
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Nothing much, just doing some EP work and listening to some Simple Plan...
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: thats cool im watchin the boring news and listening to Garbage
2005-09-02 [d o n e]: Coool^^
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: It is pretty boring to be quite honest...it is like 1:10am here in the UK and I am kinda tired *yawns*
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Its only 714 in Texas
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Fun, lol ^_-
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Not Really. I want it to rain.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I want it to rain to, we only had a little rain yesterday and that was during a thunder storm
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: i love thunder storms
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: As do I but they fuck up my net connection...
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: Same here. It pisses me off so bad.
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Lol, get a laptop, dont have to worry about it. Or at least mine doesnt.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I have a laptop, it is my broadband connection that is affected by it...
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Ah, mine is MSN Dialup Accelerator 9. It doesnt mess up bad during storms much.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Well, I am on tiscali broadband and the storms fuck up my modem >_<
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: That sux.
2005-09-02 [Ultra Hunger]: Jester sounds like a pedophiles name
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Bleh...to tired to come back with a witty comment...
2005-09-02 [Shatureel]: WOW, just finished catch up, glad I wasn't here for this one. Whats up ppl.
2005-09-02 [Shadowsoul]: huh?
2005-09-02 [Shadowsoul]: oh
2005-09-02 [Shatureel]: Oh is right. LOL
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, 8 pages.
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Our record is 6, now it's up to 8.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Yes and what a dull arguement it was...
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: At first it was ok. But then it got boring.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Maybe...I have had better arguements with [Dwemer] than the one you and [Undertow] had...
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: Hmm...I don't think I have ever had an argument with Joost. Speaking of which, he hasn't been on in a while or maybe I just miss him when I sign on.
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: He is busy with school...read Dwemer's World...I have had one major arguement with him and a few minor ones...
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: which argument was it
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Wasn't on here...it was in pm's...he went mental at me for embarassing him in front of [Hedda]
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: what did u do???
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: lol, im wondering that too
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Told [Hedda] Joost didn't tell me how to do something properly and that I was unaware of what I had to do
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: thats not that bad....
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: yeah doesnt sound bad
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: It is when it is Joost, he flipped!
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: lol.....*clear
2005-09-02 [iCh3wi]: more like all the time, lol
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Well, I do to when it comes to giffie-pets but that is another story...
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: u wanna take this outside???? 0_o
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Why have you got a problem with me telling people who continuosly whine about when their giffie-pet is going to be picked up or delivered and then I tell them to be patient and they start on me...
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I know and use my name it is Kelly...I hate people using my username to address me...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: okay, i don't really care about what name people use for me, as long as i know it's for me...but yeah i think that's the way alot of things should be handled on here
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I try to be nice to the whiners and then if they pick a fight I will argue and then if it gets out of hand I report them...=P
2005-09-02 [Amalaswinta]: xD
2005-09-02 [Homewrecker]: i wasnt argueing with i was talking to richard....i didnt mean to insult u...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: yeah, i usually don't resort to reporting, i like to handle my battels myself, but it's all a form of personal preference and point of view...i respect most points of view though...i may not like them all but i respect them for the most part
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Yeah, I enjoy a good arguement as much as the next person and I like handling my own battles but when it comes to whiny little pricks who can't seem to understand the concept of the word patience let alone how to write in proper English, that piss me off and usually end up with me going on a flamming spree and [Big Brother] telling me on msn to calm my ass down before he fires me as a deliverer of the giffie-pets
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol, i've never gone on a flaming spree, i'm usually the undiserving one who get's everyone else's flak because i generally don't care what anyone has to say because i'm secure with myself in knowing that they don't know what they're claiming
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Flaming sprees are fun except when you get caught >_< I noticed from your arguement last night with Richard...I thought it was rather funny and quite dull to say the least...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: yeah...honestl
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I know, I know...I just find it quite sad that it is always him and his little group arguing with you...sometime
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: i try to keep out of it but he usually says something that i just find flat out incorrect or stupid as hell
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: As do I, doesn't look good on me as a council member >_< But I will point out when someone is being an asshole
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: yeah, i'm not here to win any popularity contests i'm just here b/c world of warcraft and other games like that are boring to me
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I am not here for popularity, just to work hard and make EP a fun place to be...I prefer playing Star Ocean Until the End of Time or LOTR...
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: and if you have noticed I am not the popular one, the popular one is my partner in crime [Dwemer]
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol, yeah alot of people have mentioned him b4 i played the fantasy star online games on my DC but that as far as MMORPG's go for me..unless you consider diablo 2 an MMORPG..and i dont' even play that very much
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Never played diablo 2, so I can't say...I am not a major game player prefer to be out and about on my scooter
2005-09-02 [Ultra Hunger]: Oh sugar, you've just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: yeah, i've got bad knees so the only thing i do outside is drive, and b/c of gas prices i dont' do that very much anymore the 110 octane i normally use is like $5 a gallon (normal petrol or "gas" is 89-92 octane)
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: It is only 89.72 pence a litre here in the UK...that is unleaded petrol
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: ...???????...o
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: =P It is quite cheap here...and it only costs me £3 to fill my petrol tank
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: well b/c the oil companies here are a bunch of pricks it's up to 3.19 a gallon at some gas stations..whil
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: lol, I just go to Sainsburys or Tescos petrol station to fill up my scooter but when it comes to my car I go to Morrisons in Paignton, Devon, England, cheaper to fill my car there as it is like only 76.56pence a litre there...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: damn..that's CHEAP!!..i wish it was that cheap here, i have to have my car..that's how i earn money right now (races)
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I know it is cheap, I am only a learner when it comes to driving my car, still on a provisional >_< I get paid to go to school and I work at my school as well, that is how I earn my cash...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: oh that's cool, theres a drag strip around here so i go there and race other people that think their car can outrun mine, i'm not stupid though, i don't race cars i know i have no chance of beating
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: There is sod all in Newton Abbot like that, you would have to travel to Exeter maybe Plymouth to drag race...I like racing the cops, lol, that is fun ^_^
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol, i dont' race cops, I already pay $300 a month for both of my cars
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Well I don't see the harm in racing cops that I know won't caution me for speeding or fine me £200 for speeding...I pay less than that a month on my car and my scooter...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: well my cars are both considered "sports cars" because they're both red and two-door models..bunch of crap if you ask me the 4-cyls not fast at all...the six..yeah i can see on that but not the other
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: My car is the biggest pile of shite on the road, I have a G reg Toyota Starlet...my bike is better than that pile of junk...I have a Peugeot Speedake P reg...personal
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol yeah, i can't afford to get another vehicle..idk even know why i have 2 though
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I want to get rid of my car but my parents won't let me, they say "Kelly you have to learn to drive a car, it is for your own benefit and would you rather catch a train to university than have your own car" and I turn around and say why drive a car when I can drive a motorbike and get to my destination in half the time....
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol, yeah toyota's are pretty slow..just be glad it's not a honda..those things SUCK ASS
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: My Dad is a car mechanic and specializes in Toyotas, so that is why I am landed with a toyota...I was after a volkswagon polo or a ford KA...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: idk even knwo what those cars are..i'm used to the american names..if i saw them i'd know..but yeah VW's are pretty nice, a friend of mine has a green jetta with a v-6 that's pretty nice
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: Coolies my Uncle has an Audi Quattro TT sports car and that is a beauty to drive and to look at...
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol yeah i knwo a guy that has one it's nice
2005-09-02 [Firenze]: I know...it is very nice...it is ashame my Uncle lives on the Isle of Wight, grrrrrr....
2005-09-02 [Undertow]: lol
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: hiya whats up
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: God Damn Firenze, you beat my record.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Huh? Beat what record?
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: nm.
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: Anyways, whats up?
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Nothing much...and seriously what record did I beat?
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: Yea what record did she beat?
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: I thought there was an argument going on, but I was wrong. My record of an argument with Undertow is 8 pages.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: No me and [Undertow] weren't arguing, for some reason we never do...I can beat that in an arguement I had with [fresafadfgadgv] on ET....12 pages long...hehehe.
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: I read the 8 pages and was glad i wasn't here for it.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I was reading it as they were arguing, I thought it was funny and yet dull at the same time...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: They go at it all the time, and when [Homewrecker] jumps in, wow watch out. LOL Hi SC, how's it hanging.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I am not scared of them...I just thought leave them at it, arguing over school stuff is a load of crap...plus I don't know much about the American education system...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: I'm done with school so thats all boring to me, but it made for good reading, made me laugh a lot.
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: Lolol. Hey Shatureel. Yeah, [Homewrecker] is my sister Jessi. Our last argument was interesting when we were arguing about the government, but when it got into nothingness it was boring. Jessi likes to............
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: American Education can be............
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: Never had much problems with school, well all except for my high strung english teacher, he was a wacko.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Oh that is between me and him...I promised after that arguement I wouldn't say anything...I personally like the English Education system much easier to understand but then again I am English, lol
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: Makes sense. English is ok, but what I would love to learn most is European History. All we ever learn about in history is just brief shit, never anything good.
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: My problem with my engish teacher was that he thought I copied a story that I had made up for an assigment, even though it was done right there in class and we had no books to copy from. He failed me, so I got even. Don't ask how, that's best left in my past.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: All we learn about in history is World War 1 & 2, the Tudors, the Victorians, Romans, Greeks, American Indians, French Revolution, the Normans and stuff like that which totally bores me, I would rather be stuck in Geography or RE...
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: My English teachers are stuck up snobs...and hate me because I can write better stories than them...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: I know what you mean, history was boring, but I got through it ok.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Didn't do History at GCSE, I dropped it and did Geography...an
2005-09-03 [iCh3wi]: I love History, it's just that after 12 years, I am really getting tired of The 13 Colonies, American Revolution, French Revolution, American Civil War, WW1 & II, Cold War, and the Depression.
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: I was lucky my last year I only had 3 classes and one of them was art, so it was all good.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I hate history, I prefer my sciences and Resistant Materials...hi
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: Oh I loved science, my favorite class, and Mr. Rosenberg, he was the best teacher ever, he made you want to sit up and learn. LOL
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: My favourite teacher was Mr. Stephen Yates, that man rocked especially when it came to explaining collision theory and how particles join, etc, the experiments we did in class were illegal for secondary school students to do, yet did he give a shit, nope, ll
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: I love teachers like that, thats the way Mr. Rosenberg was and he made everything fun, not hard and boring.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: As do I but sadly he has left my college *cries* He has moved to Torquay Girls Grammar school, I attend Coombeshead College :(
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: thats to bad. *pats you on the back and hands you a tissue*
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: The worse thing is, that I am taking Chemistry this year at A-Level >_< Now I am stuck with Milenkovic who is boring and dull
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: feel really sorry for you.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Bleh...I'll get over it...I have Biology and Psychology to look forward to as well as working in my colleges TV and Radio station...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: so thats good, glad to hear.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Yup fun fun fun...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: thats cool, i like fun. LOL
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I would prefer if there was no college, that would be so much fun =P
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: how much more studying you got to go.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Another 2 years...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: including this year.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Yes including this year
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: it'll go by quick, before you now it, it'll be done. What are you Goddess of?
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Morals
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: cool, we need them around here. LOL. Do you plan on going to University
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: No I plan on going into the RAF (Royal Air Force)
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: Thats awesome, lots of luck. I have a cousin who is in the ROTC over here, thats a military program, she got three years to go in her studies, then she's off to University, they will pay for her schooling and when she's done, she goes into the Navy as an Officer.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I got kicked off a similar scheme here in the UK...I beat the living hell out of the cadets leader for insulting my family and a serious ankle injury I recieved at school whilst playing Netball...so now I have to work without that support but I didn't plan on going to University...b
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: lmao, my cousin is in her 2 year and has her own squad now, but she comes from a military family, and is use to their ways.
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: me I would have done just like you.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: The only person military in my family is the highest ranking fighter controller in the RAF and that is my cousin and he lives in Scotland...he gave me a right bollocking for beating the crap out of that guy...he came down especially to talk to me >_<
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: don't you just love them. My uncle is in the National Guard, he just signed on for another 4 years.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I do love them dearly but it is strange having family bollock you...I have an Uncle who was in the Queens Guard, he retired 2 years ago...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: thats cool, my uncle's cool, he never bollock me, thank god.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: My family are serious about those who go into her majestys services...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: same here, my uncle's entire family is military.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Fun for you...lucky for me, I am the first female in my family to consider joining the forces and a lot of my family don't agree with it
2005-09-03 [Homewrecker]: thats good for u.............
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: wow, I'm reverse, I thought about joining, but then get busy with my life and never did. I still can, but its not for me, and my uncle says you shouldn't join if you don't feel it in your heart. But his bros, if they could have bollocked me would have. :(
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: bollock? It means telling off
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: yea I know and my uncle won't let them talk to me at all. LOL
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: lol, sounds like a great Uncle
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: he is the best, its good that my other uncles live all over America, that keeps me safe. But thats all water under the bridge, as my mom would say.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Just like my family live all over the UK =) My mum would say that too...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: lmao, are you going for a run today>
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: not this time of night....it is almost 10:30pm here in the UK but I will be up at 7:30am to go for a run along the riverside and I will pick up some strawberries at the strawberry farm...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: cool, love strawberry's, have a good run.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I always do, the Sun just peaks up around 7:30am where I live so it is a beautiful sight to behold whilst running...
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: sounds really nice. :)
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Aye it is...I love Devonshire ^_^
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: Its ok here where i live, I like the pool and the hot tube, thats always fun.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I live in the countryside...
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: Cool...I have to ride my scooter or catch the train to go to the beach
2005-09-03 [Shatureel]: that sucks.
2005-09-03 [Firenze]: I think it is fun...I used to live right on the seafront but then we moved because my mum wanted a bigger house...
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